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 Each year 

 we graft 

 100.000 trees 

How can you contact us?

We are happy to help you with your specific questions. You can contact us in the following ways:

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+31 (0) 620 351 993

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Dennestraat 15, 4709 PR Nispen, The Netherlands

Leave a message!

We are happy to help you with your specific questions. You can contact us in the following ways:

Thanks for the message

Trees in container

In addition to the 25 hectares of open ground, the nursery also has a 2.500 m2 container field with ornamental and shaped trees ranging from small to medium sizes. The advantage of trees in containers is that they can be supplied throughout the year. Our assortment is large enough to find a suitable tree for every need.

Trees in container,

available all year round!

More information?

Do you have any questions or would you like to visit our nursery? Please contact us.

           +31 (0) 620 351 993

           Dennestraat 15
           4709 PR Nispen
           The Netherlands


Dennestraat 15
4709 PR Nispen

The Netherlands

Phone:      +31 (0) 620 351 993



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